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René Kåbis

René Kåbis has asked 7 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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I am a long-standing geek, having been working with computers since 1982, on the Internet since 1989, on the Web since 1992, and in the I.T. industry since 1998.

About the only major I.T. categories I haven’t touched upon in some way are those of 3D animation and building programs for the desktop. My current specialties include website development, website design (primarily PHP 5 and ASP.NET MVC), UI patterns and usability, security and general hardware. I am also reasonably proficient in networking and systems administration.

I have an uncompleted (4th year) BSc (Bachelor of Science) in Physics and Mathematics and a completed BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) in Accounting, Strategic Management and Leadership. I am also in the process of challenging most of the courses in a BCS (Bachelor of Computer Science). I am an advocate of constant learning, and do my best to remain open to constructive criticism at all times. The saying really is true - the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.