"education": ["Bachelor of Mathematics", "Master of Mathematics"],
"studyAt": ["ICT SBRAS post-graduate course", "Yandex School of data analysis"],
"workAt": ["Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of SBRAS", "State Public Scientific Technological Library of SBRAS"],
"workedAt": ["Intel", "Institute of Computational Technologies SBRAS"],
"programLanguages": ["C#", "JavaScript", "C++", "Python", "Powershell"],
"specializations" : ["WebDeveloper"],
"hobbies": ["RockNRoll music", "Reading", "Computer Games", "Playing Guitar"],
"favouriteCitaitions": [
"There are as many opinions as there are people who hold them",
"One thing we've learned on the web is, if we give people the tools for doing things the wrong way,
they will certainly do it the wrong way"]