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Pushpendra has asked 9 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I have a solid background in creating complex mobile applications for both platforms iPhone and Android. I have proven success with developing applications for both platforms Android and iPhones and I am interested in moving to develop creative and easy to use mobile applications. My qualifications include a Master Degree in CSE and five plus years of application development experience. In my current position, I design mobile applications and publish them for both platforms Android phones and iPhone. I am highly skilled as a mobile developer routinely creating innovative and useful apps that are popular and that work well. I keep abreast with all technological changes and update released and published applications to fit improving mobile phone offerings. With today’s technology, I understand that Apple and Android phone products are at the top of the industry and I would love the opportunity to be a part of the mobile app development team. I have terrific attention to detail an organized efficient and possess superior applications development skills.

I Like Android and iOS Development.