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avatar of Puneet Sohi PMP CCNP

Puneet Sohi PMP CCNP

Puneet Sohi PMP CCNP has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I'm a Green Card holder, have applied for citizenship.

I’m currently working with Intelsat Corporation as a Principal Software Developer and Project Manager in the satellite communications domain.

I work on development of software to command satellites, systems for automatic satellites maneuvering and optimum capacity utilization by clients.

On Project Management side, I have 7+ years of piloting projects, detailing product requirements, developing support strategies and leading implementation of a broad scope of technical products.

I have in-depth experience with Jira, Confluence and other project management software (I was responsible for company wide introduction and adoption of Jira as one of my projects) I'm also proficient in Microsoft Dynamics, Tableau and Salesforce CRM.

I’m a certified PMP (Project Management Professional) as well as a certified CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional)

On technical side, I have extensive experience (10 years) with C, C++, Python and Java with full software development lifecycle (SDLC). I have worked in detail with the Standard C++ libraries such as STD, STL and Boost. I have worked in depth with Object Oriented programming including conversion of C to C++ code, inheritance and polymorphism, interfaces, exceptions, patterns etc.

I also have extensive experience with Networks, Sockets, Operating System including topics as multi-threading, multi core processors, synchronization. I have worked in-depth with XML and JSON. I have worked with CORBA.

Puneet Sohi PMP CCNP questions

Puneet Sohi PMP CCNP answers