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Pratyush Vashisht

Pratyush Vashisht has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I'm currently a Software Engineer at Bengaluru office of Practo and have a degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology from Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad .

My main area of work is Web Development and I'm a great admirer of Astronomy and Astrophysics. I've a great interest in learning the most I can and for that I've developed a hobby of reading. Reading novels, newspapers, science and technology magazines. I'm a keen participant in social activities also and am very helpful and ready to help anyone if the problem be in my reach. I can easily make friends too. This habit of mine is very useful for working in team projects.

I know a lot of Web Technologies and have developed many websites using HTML / HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript and also using PHP. I also developed several projects using these front end and back end development techniques. I also have a good knowledge of Wordpress and Ajax.

I'm an avid reader. Do take out time to check the books I've read, here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/23067504?shelf=read

You can also always see my most recent CV at http://pratyushvashisht.com/downloads/Pratyush.pdf

Pratyush Vashisht answers