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avatar of Pratik Patel

Pratik Patel

Pratik Patel has asked 4 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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An Automation cum Devops engineer working in Computer Industry for more than 5 years and having 4+ years of experience in Automation Testing.

I find tremendous interest in learning new computer and programming technologies(Automation especially) and also like to read tech blogs, news and stay updated with the latest trends in the technology world.

Have vast knowledge in verticals of Programmatic Advertising & Marketing, Media and Entertainment, Banking & Finance, E-Commerce.

When I am not working, I am usually with my Computer playing video games, watching the tech-series, I also love to cook and travel wherever I can!

I love to meeting new peoples and learning new things, so please feel free to say hello and share your a with me.


Programming Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript/NodeJS

Automation Technologies: Selenium, Appium, Cypress, Espresso, XCUITest, Docker, Jenkins, Gradle, Maven

NPM libraries: wd/webdriver.io(Appium), protractor/selenium-webdriver(Selenium), chai, mocha/jasmine(Test framework), sync-request(Synchronous request for API testing), cypress(web-automation testing)

Automation Cloud-based platforms: Saucelabs, Kobiton, Browserstack, AWS Device Farm

Automation Frameworks/Tools: Se-Lion, Robot, Galen(UI), Redwood HQ, Katalon Studio, Appium Studio, Ranorex

Machine learning and Data Scrapping Libraries: BeautifulSoup4, Scrappy, NumPy, SciPy, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow

Virtualization/Cloud Technologies: AWS EC2, Google Compute Engine, VMWare ESX

Project Management: JIRA, Slack, Trello, AirTable, Confluence, Redmine.