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Pradeep Jain

Pradeep Jain has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I'm a passionate front end developer having approximately 2 Years of experience in developing professional and interactive web/mobile applications and sites for clients in Banking, Fashion and pharmaceutical domains for mobiles, tablets and desktop platforms for all screen resolutions and sizes. I hold a masters degree in computer science from Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

I am quite familiar state of the art JavaScript stack technologies such as AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3 and here are my skills specific to front-end programming.

-Expertise in core JavaScript (OOP, closures, Prototypal Inheritance)

-Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour Driver Development(BDD).

-Implementation of Design Patterns (Factory, Constructor, Singleton, Prototypal, Dynamic Prototypal, Module Pattern etc) and MVC architecture.

-Functional programming (Higher order functions, function currying etc).

-Client Server communication (CRUD, JSON, XML, AJAX).

-Knowledge in JavaScript event loop and Asynchronous Programming (Callbacks, Promises, Listeners and Async JavaScript Libraries).

-Knowledge in specific of code optimisation.

-Good Understanding of DOM and DOM manipulation in JavaScript.

-Developing component based single page applications using AngularJS(Dependency Injection, 2 way binding, writing services, factories, controllers, providers, custom directives and filters, app/route configuration etc familiar with core AngularJS concepts like bootstrapping, $complie, $location, $http services, event loops, digest cycles, ui-router, ng-router etc.

-Working knowledge in nodeJS.

I am open to new technologies and read blogs and keep an eye on YouTube channels for latest devolopment a in JavaScript world (ECMA6, AngularJS 2.0 etc)

I am currently focusing on learning NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS and related technologies in server side scripting stack and keep my skills up to date.

-Worked with GIT and SVN revision control systems.

-Adapted to scrum process (JIRA, ALM)

-knowledge in specific to server configuration, Apache, Weblogic, endeca clustering, load balancing and parallelism, https and ssl configuration,

-Strong teamwork, communication and time management skills.

-Teaching JavaScript to new employees

-involved in code review and refactoring and optimisation

Pradeep Jain questions