I am OCJP Certified Java Programmer.
I have 4 year experience of Groovy ,Grails framework,Mysql, MongoDb, Social API (like Facebook , LinkedIn and Google ,Twitter API),Payment Integration (Paypal , Stripe and Gocardless payment API).
Reference: http://grailsapp-compprod.rhcloud.com/
Sample code are available on https://github.com/prabhatkashyap.
My Blog Url is https://pkashyap28.wordpress.com/
My LinkedIn Profile Url is http://in.linkedin.com/pub/prabhat-kashyap/78/494/b37/
I have 1.5 years experience of CasperJs, PhamtomJs , GEB , JSoup with is used espicially for scraping the web application.
Sample code is available on
1)For GEB - https://github.com/prabhatkashyap/GebScraping
2)For CasperJS/PhamtomJs - https://github.com/prabhatkashyap/Scrapper