I have received B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication) from Tehran and Sharif University in Iran. Then, inspired by the idea of users' collaborated design in future Internet of things platforms, I switched my track into System Engineering. During the time at Stevens, I have been working on Socio-technical networks and multi-sided platforms. Meanwhile, I had the opportunity to catch up with the state-of-the-art projects on Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and cloud services in New York.
In 2017, I have attended a summer school at Harvard University on "Computational Social Cognition" and NSF sponsored boot camp at Clemson University on "Systems Design". In Fall 2017, I won a Fellowship by Innovation and Entrepreneurship center at Stevens to work on Multi-sided socio-technical platforms. I am eager to join a company in field of AI as a creative promoter.
Before that, I have been working as a coordinator and teacher of Math Olympiad courses and published several books and online courses once I was in Iran.