Python 3.6.8 (default, Dec 24 2018, 19:24:27)
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In[1]: any([creative_programmer, experienced_programmer])
Out[1]: False
Just another 32-year-old bearded traveler in this world who writes a couple of lines of silly code a day in a small families startup, while helping nursing his old grannies and waits for his turn to go back Home.
I'm dreaming to have a free time so i could finally study electrical engineering and how to operate UAV if the war that goes next to us in Ukraine will not change this plans.
Enjoy jogging in the morning.
Swimming in the sea.
Guitar, sometimes.
Enjoy visiting Sunday morning serves in our small orthodox church.
Enjoy spending some time with church community and organize some holidays for kids there.
After 11 years in Kyiv back to the small Black Seaside home town for a year or two or maybe for forever..