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Petru Tanas

Petru Tanas has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I have always displayed great passion for math, programming and economics. As such, I started working in the field in 2017, in my second year of my undergrad studies, as I passed all the required interviews and recruitment tests.

In my free time I was learning programming, and got my first Advanced Programming certification in 2018.

I graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Finance, Banking and Stock Exchange, where I have learned advanced economics and economic analysis.

Currently working with Cyber Security Team, on WEB security, Desktop security and embedded systems. I was involved in IRM external and internal engagements to identify IT risks and additional controls to mitigate these risks based on International Standards and Best practices. My experience also covers Full stack development, Application development, Data science, Penetration Testing, Test of Specific Controls (Application Level Controls), and testing of specific issues using Computer Assisted Audit Techniques, and other.

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