Lately I have been testing different container technologies, like pure LXD, Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher, RancherOS, Cattle, Flocker,, to name a few, and have started to convert my private Grails projects into microservices. I'm also migrating my private IT-infrastructure into a Docker cluster, using container versions of Nginx as a proxy, stacks with MariaDB and Tomcat for my web apps, git for version control, Nexus as private Docker registry.
Previous positions:
Quantinum AG
I am a senior software developer working at Quantinum AG in Bern, Switzerland. At Quantinum we develop a Question Answering product that makes searching your company's documents a lot easier. Through the combination of static and dynamic RDF graphs, elasticsearch, Bigdata, Camel, and our specialized code, all packed as a RAP, the product will understand YOUR question and return the answer YOU want. If you ask for a phone number, it will return a phone number, if you ask for a date, it will return a date. If you ask for instructions, it will return the instructions you ask for, even if you get some of the terms wrong. And, of course, it can do what the other search engines out there can as well.
Canoo Engineering AG
I am a senior software developer working at Canoo Engineering AG in Basel, Switzerland. At Canoo we help companies implement RIA solutions with the latests technologies. This includes our own RIA Suite, Groovy, Griffon and Grails. For testing web applications we mostly use Canoo's Webtest. However, Selenium, Geb and Spock sometimes find their ways into our projects as well. Whenever possible we run our projects in an agile fashion, using Scrum where we use Agilefant to track our progress.