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Pawandeep Singh

Pawandeep Singh has asked 1 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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My dream is to work at Google. In order to achieve this I work 10-11 hours a day. I get up at 5am and go for exercise which includes walking, running, skipping and my favourite of all badminton. I come back home at 7am. Then I read newspaper for 1hr. From 8am to 9am I take 1hr rest and have my breakfast. From 9am to 1pm I do coding including Open Source coding, reading C++ codes, making projects/products etc. Again I take 1hr rest till 2pm. From 2pm to 6pm I try to learn new things by indulging into new courses on Coursera, Udacity etc. Now my mind is all freaked up. Its time to get away from home and enjoy with friends. I take 2hrs rest and play with my friends till 8pm. Now again I am recharged to do few hours of work. At 8pm I will either write blog, code or learn new stuff for 2hrs. Now at 10pm I am totally tired physically as well as mentally. I take 7hrs sleep till 5am next day. This is how my life goes from Monday - Saturday. I take one day off on Sunday to take rest and live some social life with my family and friends and enjoy my life. This process will continue till I get my dream. I hope I will get to Google one day..