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Paul Rock

Paul Rock has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I have been working as a PHP programmer for more than 7 years, my best skills is strong OOP on PHP, created in accordance with PSR standards, sometimes I like write the unit tests (on PHPUnit/DbUnit) before begin work on project's module, I very like to constantly check of my skills and my code with the help of codesniffer utilities such as scrutinizer, phpcs etc.

Favorite frameworks is Symfony (Slim/Silex), Laravel (Lumen), Phalcon, Zend and DrMVC (written by myself the MVC framework https://github.com/drmvc) but I also know how to make application on Kohana (fork of Codeigniter), YII, CakePHP and some others. I've created applications on more than a dozen different frameworks, some of them have long been abandoned.

My favorite CMS is CraftCMS, I've developed plugins for Commerce edition of this engine, but also worked with OctoberCMS, Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal.https://stackexchange.com/

I know the conception of GraphQL, but prefer to use RESTful to implement my applications. Very like work with NoSQL databases like MongoDB or ElasticSearch, but if need make some classical solution prefer PostgreSQL or MySQL.

If you interesting my code you can check my personal GitHub profile https://github.com/EvilFreelancer and second profile https://github.com/DrTeamRocks, my hobby projects is https://github.com/haipit and https://github.com/wpkg.

My account on Packagist: https://packagist.org/users/EvilFreelancer/packages/