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avatar of ozeanix


ozeanix has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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My hobby is high performance computing - not in the HPC-as-an-acronym sense, but in making algorithms run as efficiently as possible, seeking and finding the best way to implement something, and making objective measurements of each step of the process. Sometimes that means jumping to a different programming language, sometimes it means writing assembly by hand, and other times it means bringing in abstract mathematics for a new view on the problem space.

I am currently interested in data compression algorithms, primarily for images and video, and pushing the boundaries of special case compression scenarios. I'm also very interested in multimedia and graphics programming, especially as it relates to multimedia and audio/video applications. One day I will open source my C# HTML parser, which has a higher throughput rate for real world scraping workflows than all other open source implementations.

In addition to software development, I am involved in the automotive industry and participate in various kinds of motorsports for fun. I also work as a business consultant to help owners improve the function, operation, and growth of their businesses. In my off time, I'm an amateur drum and bass DJ and mashup creator, and am constantly working on improving my mixing skills and discovering new music to include in my library.