Software developer since around 1972, starting with the HP programmable calculator HP97. Yeah. I'm an old guy. My first real computer was a TRS-80 Model I.
Wrote CGI framework for web portal site that included content management features - before Javascript existed (written in ANSI 'C'). Since then, web sites written in Java and C#. Current interests: Web 2.0, html5, javascript, all things .Net, EntitiyFramework, T4 , ASP.MVC, Android development, WCF Web Api, WCF, WPF, RabbitMQ, etc.
Did 10 years at Boeing as software developer. MVS 370 mainframes, VM, 3270, IMS, etc. Picked up 'C' and never went back. Linux, Solaris, HP/UX, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, SQL Server. Various Network products. SNA, TCP/IP, and protocols (SNMP, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, FTP, etc.)
I've got an Android version of HP67 out on the Android market. Still have working TRS-80 Model III, C64 and a few other old beasts. Love old computers.
Constantly learning new systems, frameworks and languages. Currently working in trading and financial service industry as a senior developer / development manager.