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oreofeolurin has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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A software programmer with keen interest in providing solutions that work. An hacker, Tech Enthusiast, loves coffee and keyboard.

I have proven experience working JavaScript, and awesome frameworks like Angular, NodeJS, ReactJS, NestJS among others.

I have worked with teams that have created various application ranging from custom solutions to enterprise applications in various industry including banking & finance, education, aviation, engineering.

I believe everything is possible, and I approach every problem this way, analytically thinking, creating formulas, recreating scenarios and reformulating theories till I get practical results. Whether it’s developing a complex animation logic or finding my way through a 5000 year old labyrinth, I keep at it because I know there is always an opening.

Additionally, I believe that codes should be elegant, maintainable and efficient as opposed to a dirty, messy and unorganized bakery that produces the best cakes in town. So I am constantly interested in discovering new ways, methodologies, and best industry standard practices in improving code quality. This I have been able to do with insights from books and online articles (Martin Flower’s articles are worth mentioning).

Technologies I love working with includes: MongoDB, Web Sockets, Sass, Dorker and a bunch of other cool stuffs.

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