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Oleg Polezky

Oleg Polezky has asked 0 questions and find answers to 5 problems.


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I am a lead full-stack web developer with 10 years’ experience. Front-end:

  • Javascript,
  • Typescript,
  • AngularJs 1,
  • Angular 2-10
  • HTML5,
  • CSS3, Less, Sass,
  • JQuery, KnockoutJs, D3, KendoUI, JSTree, ExtJs, AmCharts
  • NodeJs,
  • MS SignalR,
  • Cordova.


  • C#, .net, .netcore, asp.netcore
  • Microservice architecture
  • Monolit architecture
  • IIS and self-hosted applications
  • ASP.NET MVC 5/6, Web API 2
  • ADO.NET, Entity Framework 6, Entity Framework Core

Continues integration, Continues development CI/CD:

  • Docker
  • MS Build, TeamCity configuration
  • Amazon web services, AWS
  • Azure web services


  • MS SQL 2008,2012,2016,
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB,
  • SQLite,
  • TeraData.

I had long-term projects for the following clients: Boeing, DHL, NES Corporation, KPMG. Business domains: Accounting, Logistic, Finance.

In all projects, I have close communication with a client to identify functional and non-functional requirements. Some of my projects are:

  1. Boeing.

1.1. The tool to track and manage suppliers’ information.

1.2. ERP system of assembling electronic systems of airplanes.

  1. DHL. The system to manage contracts and calculate delivery prices in different currencies.

  2. NES Corporation. The system to communicate with and setup different electric meters, collect data from them, make reports and charts.

  3. Wiz Data the system to analyze turnover and plan purchasing based on this data

  4. KMPG. Web application to integrate data of accountant systems and create complex reports and charts.

Most of the projects have integration with other client systems: provide web-API for other systems, have ETL to get data from other systems DBs, and communicate via SOAP with other system. The applications often use third-party tools both on frontend and on backend.