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Nikhil Yeole

Nikhil Yeole has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I am Javascript Ninja with 8.5 years of experience and love javascript. I am full stack developer and work on technologies such as Angularjs, Reactjs, Redux, ES6/7, Babel, Webpack, Backbonejs, Nodejs, Expressjs, Mongodb (MEAN stack) etc. I have worked as an architect, Individual contributor and Tech lead. I am comfortable with any role.

Recently, to utilize my free time, I am starting a non profit initiative, BasicsTech.in to spread programming to my comparatively small town, Amravati.

I lean towards functional programming and make use of libraries such as Lodash-fp, ramdajs etc. And have expressed my reasoning on with blog post: https://medium.com/front-end-hacking/classless-javascript-composition-over-inheritance-6b27c35893b1

Even though I love to code, I see myself as products guy. When working in team, I actively participate in discussions related to product, new feature, end-to-end workflow, impact on end-users/customers etc. I give valuable feedback in terms of usability, design, user experience etc. I like to try new technologies/methodologies build software efficiently.

I like Reactjs a lot and prefer to use it for UI development. When it comes to backend, I prefer to use node.js (along with express.js and mongodb) ). Reactjs enables server side rendering(isomorphic/universal apps) further we can develop native apps on android and iOS using React-native.

In past I have done some Ruby(Sinatra, Rails) and PHP.

As part of my interest I keep close eye on new technology trends in web world and try to adapt best tools and practices.) etc.

I enjoy my work as I am passionate about it.

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