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Nik Yekimov

Nik Yekimov has asked 7 questions and find answers to 7 problems.


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I'm Software Developer with broad experience both in mobile and backend, lately concentrated mostly on mobile side - native iOS development.

My expertise includes, but isn't limited to:

  • 10+ years of iOS development - Swift + POP, Objective C, Blocks, GCD, Local/Push Notifications, Location Services, Unit testing Quick & Nimble, Localization, Storyboards & Nibs, AutoLayout, Core Data, Realm, SwifLint, CocoaPods, you name it.
  • In-depth understanding of the full mobile development life cycle: concept, design, build, deploy, test and release to the app store
  • Solid experience using RESTful APIs to integrate mobile applications to server side systems
  • Strong insight into design patterns and designing applications using an OOP
  • Intricate involvement in all key stages of SDLC with focus on analyses, design and development, code review, testing and maintenance
  • Experience-based familiarity with various software development and deployment methodologies specifically with Agile, Scrum

Additionally as a bonus:

  • Java development experience: Android, Java SE, Java EE, Servlets, JSP, EJB, Frameworks, ORM, JDBC
  • Web development experience: Responsive design, HTML 5 / CSS 3, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap