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Naren Neelamegam

Naren Neelamegam has asked 0 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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Naren is an IT professional who started coding during 1999 with FORTRAN, then COBOL, C, C++, VC++... C#, Java, ASP so on. He loves coding, most of the time on Windows platform, some time WinCE, some time Linux, nowadays Android, embedded platforms and 3D Game programming on Unity with C# scripts. He can do some query stuffs with Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL however his IoT exposure took him to look at NoSQL, Machine learning stuffs. He strongly believes that C/C++ is a must for all programmers, "if you know C/C++, you can do programming on any language". He is an electronic gadget guy who likes to buy small gadgets all the time, at least he will do window shopping on a gadget shop. His interest always have been with Automation in any form, call it a little automated program sitting in his Laptop or a home automation program runs on his mobile.