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I am a Java Developer working at Clarivate, currently tasked to develop software in the healthcare and content domain. I feel grateful for the knowledge and exposure I have been able to receive in my 7.5 years of experience spanning across multiple domains in my time working at Clarivate Hati, Cerner, and MindTree. I got the opportunity to learn various DevOps tools, frameworks, testing environments, and repositories while developing a deeper understanding of the processes, workflow, and various aspects of SDLC’s that my organization followed.

I like to function as an intrapreneur. The ability to solve a real-life problem or a business challenge with my technical knowledge excites me. I enjoy taking complete ownership and responsibility of the projects that are assigned to me and I always strive for end-user satisfaction. I go above and beyond the call to deliver not just something that the client needs but one that client would love.

I am a continuous learner and invest a lot of my spare time trying to enhance my knowledge and skills that I can apply to become better at my job. I take pride in the fact that I follow the best coding practices and ensure that my work is always at par with internationally accepted coding standards.

I feel my greatest strength is that I do not let my confidence in my ability to turn into hubris and approach every new challenge thrown at me with the same enthusiasm and the student mindset I had for my first. However, my experience, ability to learn, and passion for my work always helps me find the courage to take on and succeed at new and more complex challenges that are thrown at me.