I have over 10-years of professional work experience that includes industry and research. My research interests are in systems and span mobile computing and ICT for development. Summary of the experience include:
Machine Learning: TensorFlow, PyTorch, pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, FFmpeg, privacy-preserving machine learning Languages: Android/Kotlin, Java, Python, RxJava2, Room, Retrofit, SQLite Automation: Jenkins Architectures: MVC, MVP, MVVM Source Control: Git, SVN Developer Tools: Google Cloud Platform, Docker, Android Studio, PyCharm, IntelliJ, Eclipse Project Management: Slack, JIRA, TFS, Trello Datastores & web servers: SQLite, MySQL, Apache Tomcat Operating Systems: Android, Ubuntu, Windows
I am committed, self-motivated, results-driven and have a good attitude towards problem-solving.