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Mustafa Akçakaya

Mustafa Akçakaya has asked 0 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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End to end development: In line with the customer's requests, providing a capability to a web application by adding a feature from changing entity which affects database to a component design from the view page.

Kinds of Stuff: .Net Core Web APIs, .Net Core MVC, Vue.js, JQuery, Bootstrap, Redis, Hangfire, NoSQL[MongoDB], Swagger, Postman, Linux Server Publishes, and much more...

Technical Details:

Developing Web APIs using Swagger UI, Dependency Injection, Repository Pattern, Redis, and much more to provide Backend Service for clients(Mobile, Web, etc.)

Web interface integrations with Vue.js, Razor Pages, Jquery, Pure JS, Essential Complex JS LINQs to bind two related JS objects and take correct data, MVC Pattern, etc.

Working with a NoSQL [MongoDB] and with its environments and requirements such as Complex LINQ to SQL Queries, Robo 3T, Database Parallelism, etc.

Working with In-Memory-Database - Redis. Due to decreasing database connection number is important at websites which have high traffic, actively using Redis.

Publishing a project from .Net Core Environments and Deployment at Linux Servers

Hangfire to schedule jobs such as calculation of any object property like "jobs in a city" or sending email or notifications at desired time intervals