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Munir has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I am an energetic, well-spoken, strong conceptual thinker I have a keen interest in all things related to the Internet and software developing with extensive experience and self-taught education in Mobile app development and design.

I am an experienced Mobile Application Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Mobile software industry. Skilled in Mobile application development, Android app development, PHP, REST API, JSON.

Professional skills

• Excellent team working and problem-solving skills.

• Knowledge of data encryption methods and implementations.

• Awareness of the Web Development industry, and new technologies.

• Social Media Monetisation Strategies.

• Writing up technical manuals and user instructions.

• Strategically thinking through all parts of the design process.

• Knowledge of international web standards and protocols.

• Having a passion for customer service & responding quickly to inquiries.

• Can manage multiple projects in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment.

• Adaptable and able to quickly pick up new techniques.

Personal Skills

• Flexible handling a variety of tasks and shift priorities simultaneously.

• Can work independently and in a team environment.

• Enjoy solving problems.

• Attention to detail.