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Mohit Sehgal

Mohit Sehgal has asked 1 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I am End to End Software developer with expertise in MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, VueJS, ElectronJS, C, C++, Java, Python, and more. I can develop quality software, web apps, and mobile apps. I can help you in the backend, web frontend as well as Android Apps. I can get your project the latest, attractive and sleek design. I have experience of working with AWS, Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Digital Ocean, NGINX, PM2, UFW, Amazon IAM, SES, and other DevOps services. I have published many Android Apps on Google Play Store.

I am interested in solving general problems with the help of my skills. I believe in possibilities. Currently, I am working on Android Application Development. My core competency lies in complete end-end management of a new mobile application development project, and I am seeking opportunities to build applications from the ground up for you or your business. I have done Android App Development in the following categories:

  • Productivity Apps.
  • Apps for Enterprises
  • Social Apps
  • Chat Apps.
  • Custom Keyboards
  • Photo Editing App
  • GPS based Apps
    I have worked on Java, Android Platform, Google App Engine, Java Struts Framework, JavaScript, Python, Groovy/Grails and bit of iOS Programming. I like to learn a variety of programming languages. I'll like to program IoT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Game Development. Steve Jobs is my idol because he had a strong belief in himself and his intuitions. I want to become a pioneer in technology like him. I blog on https://appsyoda.com and https://developers.appsyoda.com