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Mohammad Mirzakhani

Mohammad Mirzakhani has asked 0 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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I have over 7 years experience working as senior engineer during which time I have honed my expertise in developing software and used it to the advantage of the companies I have worked for. Since graduating in 2011, I have played a significant role in increasing my employers' profitability by improving the efficiency and safety aspects of the many projects I have worked on. I have developed my skills in managing projects and people, and my success as senior Engineer, and subsequent promotion to team leader and product owner Engineer. The advanced Technologies demonstrates that I am able to foster good working relationships with employees and develop stimulating working environments resulting in the successful completion of projects. I have worked with the following technologies: Java, Kotlin, Swift, Xcode, Android Studio, Version control systems (for instance SVN or GIT), Knowledge of markup languages (mainly XML and HTML), MS SQL, Commercial expertise in Android SDK, Mobile Development, Apache more. Also I demonstrated strong leadership, organizational and analytical skills.