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Mohamed Ayman

Mohamed Ayman has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Since I was 14 I was wondering how this computer runs all these stuff and how people tell computer to do it. This question lead me to visual basic and my first program that calculate the circumference of a circle and other basic shapes. Then I read about 'something' called python it was version 3.3.3 that time. I started to play with it little bit. Then I left all this to focus on how to hack counter strike lol. And when I finished my secondary school I started to learn web development. And I'm now studying computer science in my last year.

I watched a lot of courses and learnt a lot of technologies as well. But since I wrote my first console.log() and I'm in love with Javascript. I went with it in both front-end and back-end. Even people said that's a 'weird' language and so but I don't care who in this world is perfect.

I've worked in front-end with pure JS, Jquery, Vue and tons of CSS libraries such as bootstrap 3-4-5, Tailwind, Materialize, Buefy, UIKit, etc... I've worked with Pug, Sass, PostCss, Gulp and Grant. Also I've done some designs for clients using Figma, Adobe XD and InVision. Lately I'm using Figma because it's the only program that runs on Linux. And for backend I've worked with Express and a lot of NPM packages. Also for DBMS I worked with Mongodb and MySQL.

I love to learn languages, read books and blogging. If you reached here you are awesome! Feel free to contact me ^_^

Mohamed Ayman questions