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mnr has asked 1 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I'm friends with technology. But I'm not blindly in love with it. It has to be questioned. It has to be explained. Sometimes it's just dead wrong. It needs firm guidance.

I prioritize people over technology. Bigger, better, and faster features make shinier products, but usually, that isn't what people want. People don't want widgets, they want elegance and relevance.

I'm an educator, manager, evangelist, marketer, technologist, futurist, coder.

I point to the future. I explain the present. I learn from the past. I know people speak different languages: marketing, sales, engineering, management, strategy. I'm fluent in all of those. There is poetry in technology, but it's obscured if we use the wrong nouns and verbs.

Sometimes I'm abrupt. Sometimes I apologize. I'm passionate, but willing to believe I'm wrong. I try to inform myself, and I know there are at least two answers to every problem. "Why" is my favorite question, followed by "When."

I write science fiction. Sometimes it's about spaceships, sometimes it's about products. The goal is the same; explain where we want to be, point out hazards, celebrate arrival.

I'm engaging. Informed. Opinionated. Respectful.

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