mloskot has asked 22
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22 questions
112 answers
Senior Software Engineer @ Cadcorp
Charter Member @ OSGeo
I regularly contribute to the following Open Source projects:
Boost.Geometry (supporting developer)
Boost.GIL (maintainer)
GDAL/OGR (developer, former maintainer)
libLAS (co-founder)
GEOS (former member of development team)
nanodbc (member of development team, maintainer)
OSRM (contributor)
PostGIS Raster (co-developer)
SOCI (former maintainer)
WCELIBCEX (founder)
I also submitted minor contributions to Valhalla, libspatialindex, PROJ.4, GeoTIFF, libGD, C++/Tk, Feature Data Objects (FDO) (worked on PostGIS provider), and others.