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Manual labourer, or used to be, was in an accident some years ago and can't do any heavy lifting, I get a few odd jobs when I'm lucky. I can't get any work that I would excel at, because of a lack of relevant references, and only get the work that I'm now really bad at, because I have relevant references to get those. Fortunately I live in a country with a decent social safety net. Unfortunately, the rules of social security effectively block any activities that would give me relevant references to do a late career change (like taking university courses or working with voluntary projects, like open source projects), I'm forced to attend a lot of courses in writing CV:s and how to do job hunting, though.

Highly skilled(!) amateur(!) computer user and mathematics enthusiast. Have been using (home) computers non-stop since 1981 and have over the years assembled about two years worth of University Math and Statistics courses (in Sweden university courses are free of cost, until last year (2010) they where free of cost for anybody from any part of the world, now they are only free of cost for citizens of EU member states, the change was forced upon Sweden by a stupid EU directive -- "EU, building barbed wired walls against the rest of the world since 1993", I think that would be a fitting EU slogan).

Lived between 1991-1995 with no contact with other computer users and no money to buy either new soft- or hardware. My computer was equipped with a copy of MS DOS 3.3, Borland C and Tetris. That's when I formed the habit of writing software I need myself. I still do a lot of scripting, for a quick and dirty fix it is faster to write your own code, then to first find pre-existing relevant software and then have to learn how to use it (and possibly have to rewrite it to meet your needs). I do love all the good and free open source software that is easily available through internet, though.

Kind of re-lived my years in the 90's recently, when my main computer broke down and I was left for a few months with an EeePc 701, basically still with the original configuration and with little room to install new software, with ghostscript as the only decent available multi-use tool.