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Mirko Raimo

Mirko Raimo has asked 0 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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I work as Solution Developer for the healthcare team at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. in Florence.

At work, I mainly use Java and Oracle relational databases and I help a senior developer to coordinate a remote team, but I study Flutter by myself since it was at version 1.0.
In my little projects, I integrate it with Firebase. And... wait for it,
Flutter for Web is real (made when Flutter Web was in beta)! Check out mirkoraimo.com (made with Flutter and Firebase).
With Flutter and Firebase, I also made for a freelancer the first version of an app (iOS and Android) used internally by a well-known taxi company in Florence named Taxi4242 and its purpose is to share files and communications (both with a showcase and with a live chat section) among the employees. This app is yet present in both the main stores (iOS and Android).

So with the sunlight, I develop with java, relational databases and a windows machine, but when it comes the moonlight, I wear my "apple-branded-superhero-suit", and with my Macbook Pro I develop using Dart, Flutter and NoSql databases. Well, if you didn't understand, I think that Flutter will be the future of software developing... at least for small teams, startupper and freelancers! :D

P.s. I love babies and children, the Rubik's cube and I am also a juggler, a budding scuba diver and, occasionally, an MTB rider and a runner.

Years ago, I played a lot with Arduino (recently I got their official certification), Raspberry Pi and 3D Printers.