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Milton Hernandez

Milton Hernandez has asked 0 questions and find answers to 6 problems.


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What I do is to, basically, create competitive advantages by solving complex problems in creative, new ways using Technology. I do this by:

A. Finding new Problems/Opportunities: Apply rigorous conceptual modeling to identify relevant elements of a problem. Tools: Domain Driven/ Semantic Analysis (DDD). Data Classification: NLP, Unstructured Data Classifiers. Machine Learning: Deep Neural Networks, SVMs, Evolutionary Computing. Impact Mapping.

B. Identifying Blockers and Constraints to the Goals: Any Tech problem can be seen as an Optimization problem with a Goal and hard Constraints. These are both identified, through: Conceptual Modeling. Business/Requirement Analysis. Architecture Trade-off Analysis.

C. Producing Technology Road maps: Determine what will be delivered when, while providing the maximum Goal fulfillment over time, by using: Iterative Product Lines. Early Feedback.

D. Helping Provision of the Resources necessary to deliver the Plan, using: SDLA Process Design. Technology Selection Analysis. Technology Team Building.

F. Executing the Road map, while adapting to a changing environment. Basically, use the “OODA Loop” Observe: Gather accurate information on progress against the Goal. Orient: Situate the information gathered in a Conceptual Framework. Decide: Determine the actions needed to return the Plan to Optimality. Act: Take the Actions. Create Software. Using: Advanced Object Modeling. Functional Programming. High-Throughput, Distributed Computing.