I like to build neat things.
That doesn't mean much of anything specific, so let me elaborate: Technology and software has given us an immense power over our lives and how we engage with and access the planet as a whole. Literally the whole planet, I'm not parroting a trope.
When I write software, specifically web software, I am able to craft information and data into shapes and forms that provide immediate value as tools to other humans. And through the web, these tools can access millions of other people in an unimaginably quick amount of time. The speed with which we can create these tools feels as close to magic as I'll probably ever get.
And of course, I am in love with the process of creating said tools. New and well thought out ideas bring me an incredible amount of excitement, because it means I get to work with others to bring something new into the world. To make something from nothing is indescribable -- we as developers have morphed and transformed and constructed random collections of thoughts into a shape, given them a structure, and paved the foundation for others to use those new relationships of information to create value. Sometimes immensely so.
Those are neat things.