I am a physics simulation programmer who is ambitious and determined to start my own company by generating revenue through the development of Android based mobile applications.
My experience varies from rigorous mathematics and physics to higher level programming architectures. My specialties are algorithm and physics based optimization for the purpose of creating worlds which simulate life as well as gaming and even real world tactical applications.
In short, I endeavor to make a real difference in the gaming and simulation world while enjoying each and every challenge and reward...
Primary Languages:C#, C++ and Java
Web Based Programming ASP, PHP, CSS, HTML, SQL, VB
Operating Systems Windows 95/98/2000, XP, 7, Mac OSX, Linux (Ubuntu), Android, iOS, MSDOS
Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, 3D Vector Calculus, Differential Equations, Advanced Linear Algebra, Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics
Mechanical Physics, Electromagnetics, Thermodynamics, Static and Dynamic Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Particle Systems
Arrays, Stacks, Link Lists, Hash Tables, Binary Search Trees, Red Black Trees, B-Trees, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, Disjoint Sets, Minimum Graphs, Directed Acyclic Graphis, Spanning Trees, Networks
Searching and Sorting Algorithms: Bubblesort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Insertion Sort Heapsort
Data Analysis Algorithms Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, Greedy Algorithms, Amortized Analysis, Dynamic Tables
Graphing Algorithms Breadth-First-Search, Depth-First-Search, Topological Sort, Kruskal and Prim's Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm, All Pairs Shortest Paths, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Johnson's Algorithm, Flow Networks, Ford-Fulkerson Method
AI Steering Behaviors: Seeking, Fleeing, Pusuing, Wandering, Evading, Interpose, Obstacle and Wall Avoidance, Path Following
AI Group Behaviors: Cohesion, Separation, Alignment, Player and Team State Recognization
Set Theory, Mathematical Induction, Recursive Relations, Directed Graphing,Context-Free Grammars, Parsing, Normal Forms(Lambda Rules), Deterministic Finite Automata, Regular Languages and Sets, Push Down Automata, Turing Machines, Chomsky Hierarchy, Decideability, Numeric Computation, Mu Recursive Functions, Computational Complexity, NP-Complete Problems, LL(k) / LR(k) Grammars
Currently I am writing Android apps to start my own company which will develop gaming, business, and personal use apps globally.