"Hello, World", that gorgeous cliché shown in a Small Basic interpreter window and a blinking cursor front of a child, this was the very first step of my programming journey.
Now, 6 years have passed and coding became a second nature to me, slowly developing a true passion for well designed software architectures and clean code, adapting to new languages and technologies being a common thing.
Skills and experience
• Backend Web Development
→ Javascript/Typescript with Node, Express, Mongoose, Sequelize, Mocha, Chai, ApidocJs
→ Python with Flask, SQLAlchemy, PyMongo, PyRedis
→ Perl with Mojolicious, DBIx, PostgreSQL
→ PHP used only inside Magento 2 and Wordpress
• Web scraping and task automation
→ Python and Perl
→ Raw HTTP requests, regular expressions, manual HTML and JS parsing
→ Beautiful soup
→ Selenium
• Kernel and driver development
→ Written a hobby operating system in C and C++, with keyboard and video drivers, a virtual file system, multitasking, a memory manager and some user-land features like system calls
→ General operating systems knowledge, understanding of low level principles and concepts
→ Linux and Windows internals knowledge
→ Knowledge of assembly language of a couple of CPU architectures
• Cloud technologies and system administration
→ Amazaon Web Services, EC2, Lambda Functions
→ Firebase, Cloud Functions, Realtime database, Cloudstore, Google Cloud MySQL
→ Managing LAMP stack or variations (like nginx, MariaDB, Python instead of defaults)
• Algorithms and data structures
→ Participated competitive programming contests like Olympiad of Informatics
→ Solved problems on competitive programming platforms like Codeforces
→ Applied knowledge to real world situations in order to optimize software solutions
• Teamwork and leadership
→ Loving to work with others, share ideas and improve overall work experience
→ Managed small teams of 3 to 5 people in programming projects or competitions
→ Organized events as a part of bigger teams