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Michael Rose

Michael Rose has asked 5 questions and find answers to 8 problems.


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I've been creating on a computer for well over half my life! Starting at age 14 when I received my first computer -> to now at age 33 working for a company that develops companion software for medical devices and diagnostics.

Upon the release of iOS 3 in 2009, I've been heavily invested in native iOS development. Over the past 7 years, I have gained real-world experience with UIKit and most of Apple's Core libraries. I've kept up-to-date on new APIs and best practices by creating many side projects and religiously watching Apple's WWDC videos each year. I'm also fairly active on StackOverflow.

I have a formal background in Graphic Design, but really enjoy learning new things and have been self-taught in many programming languages. I'm currently in the process of teaching myself Go language. I also have plans to start Android development in the near future.