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miah has asked 0 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I like figuring stuff out, so if I don't have one of the skills required for the job, I go out and learn it. Google is my friend, and I am great at asking the right questions to get the answers I need.

I really really really enjoy that feeling you get after having worked through what was causing a bug. The moment where you sit back and watch everything work as intended is magical. I also like the moment before I run a large amount of code I've written where there is a little bit of trepidation as to whether it will function as I expect it. I didn't really notice it until I started using a laser cutter, but the feeling I get before I cut a design is the same, it is a moment of pure potential, in which I think I know what the outcome will be, but it isn't 100%. And if it works, boom, we are off to the races, and if it doesn't then I've got a problem to solve.


Things I love:

  • Making stuff (virtual or physical)
  • Solving Problems
  • Finding and squashing bugs
  • Learning new things
  • Helping other people with their problems.
  • Playing with Lasers
  • Puzzles of the 3d variety

Things I don't love:

  • Doing mindless repetitive tasks
  • Meetings that are not productive.