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mechimdi has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I've been coding for years Python, PHP, JAVA, C#, C++. And, I started building computers in the early 90's when computers still had separate IO controllers, I was 7. :) I remember when my dad brought home a computer for the first time. I was all over it. So after many years of building, and programming. I've been blessed to learn soo much.

For the last 5 year, I threw away the IDE and went back to the terminal so I could get better. I've read tons of tutorials on style, flow, you name it and I almost always come back to stackoverflow. (At least within the last 2 or 3 years.) So you can imagine that at some point... It just makes sense to start giving back. I wrote my very first reply today (3/7/2013). Kinda cool! I'm really excited about it. And I know I'll continue.

I'm a true engineer. I always want to make something better. So if you don't like my code, my feelings won't be hurt. I'd just like to find out how to be better. But do note, I am a teach at heart. (sort of) so I like to explain things fully so that the student will get it the first time. It's like when I used to work at a major aircraft manufacturer. I believe in reducing rework and getting it right the first time. So if you read my replys, I hope you get it the FIRST time. And don't have to bounce around to 7 different sites to get it. (Even though bouncing around is part of the process of learning)


CI Azubuike


mechimdi questions