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Matthew Cullum

Matthew Cullum has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I first realized my passion for technology as a kid. I would disassemble most any electronic device I could get my hands on, and this continued to the point such that my parents would be forced to hide electronics from me. As I grew older, this passion for electronics and the desire to understand the inner-workings therein quickly transitioned to computers.

My first coding experience started with downloading Dev C++ at the age of 12. I still remember the excitement I felt as I compiled my first program and watched it print "Hello World" to the console. I quickly discovered, however, that by starting in C I was in way over my head. I needed a more gradual, top-down introduction to computer science and programming, and so I jumped into web-design & development instead.

I started with some basic HTML and CSS, later added interactivity with JavaScript and jQuery, and finally added functionality with PHP. After playing with these technologies for 4 years, I graduated from PHP and promoted myself to Ruby on Rails. Two years later, and I'm more in love with Ruby and Rails than I ever could have with PHP or Laravel. I still have sessions with PHP from time to time (shhhhhh, Ruby doesn't know), but for the most part I stick to developing full-stack with Rails.

Matthew Cullum questions