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Mat DeLong

Mat DeLong has asked 1 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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I hear stories from all the nerds around me about how they got started programming when they were really young. This makes me feel like a bit of a fraud in a way. I've always loved computers. There is a picture of me not even 2 years old sitting in front of one typing away. When I was old enough to know what I was doing, I spent my nights playing with my dad's Commodore 64... I never programmed anything, just played games.

By the time I was in high school I was doing level design for the game "Outlaws" by LucasArts. I then moved on to playing Counter-Strike, and quickly found more interest in designing levels for it than actually playing it. So in a way I was more of a gamer than a programming nerd... but I always had the passion for understanding how something was made, and figuring out how to do that myself.

Through university and my career thus far, I've found this passion extends into software development quite naturally. I may not be that guy who lived down the street from you who was hacking by the time he was 10, but my love for creativity and technology helps me continually grow my skill set.

I enjoy problem solving and being stuck in front of a computer 10 hours a day, but my real passion is making something I can be proud of, that other people get enjoyment out of.