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Martyn C

Martyn C has asked 0 questions and find answers to 7 problems.


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Currently, I am a Senior Azure Consultant with Ensono in the USA. I work with clients on their Microsoft Azure deployments, work on creative solutions to unleash the power of the cloud for clients, and speak to them about the adoption of DevOps.

Previously I worked for Virgin Atlantic, where I was the DevOps Technical Lead, I am a Microsoft Azure SME as well as having the responsibility of the implementation, education, and development of DevOps with teams at the airline. I work closely with a number of people including management, information security, engineering teams, and agile coaches to ensure our work is in line with our primary strategy.

I am also a DevOps Ambassador with the DevOps Institute. I work with the other ambassadors in the DevOps community to spread the word of what amazing things DevOps can do for your organization.