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Martin Vielsmaier

Martin Vielsmaier has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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My name is Martin Vielsmaier. I work as an independent software developer in southern Germany & remote. My main focus of expertise and interest is in backend technologies. I speak both German and English.

I have several years of experience in building software solutions for various problems using a wide range of technologies. I have used Ruby, Python, Scala and Java in backend systems and some flavors of languages compiling to Javascript (and JS itself of course) in UIs. In most projects UIs were made of web technologies, but I also worked with Swing and Android. On the database side, I have mainly worked with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB and Google BigQuery. I also have solid experience with both SOLR and Elastic Search.

Another part of my work spanned activities around build, testing, integration, deployment and operations of the systems I built (aka DevOps). In this area I worked with several testing frameworks, CI tools and deployment options: RSpec, Cucumber, Selenium, nosetest, pytest, Jenkins, Cirle CI, Travis CI, dedicated Linux servers /w automatic provisioning, AWS (EC2, RDS, Cloudformation, Lambda, Elastic Beanstalks), Docker.

For more detailed information, have a look at my CV here.

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