I started programming in the early eighties, when doubling your computer's memory was possible by soldering eight 64 K chips on top of the ones that were already there and when a complete documentation of the full OS fit into a single book, including the source code.
In the course of time I encountered Lisp, C, C++, Perl, Occam, VB, PostScript, Rexx, JCL, Ada, Cobol, PL/1, Smalltalk, Java, JSTL and many others, to just name the languages, not to speak about the dozens of technologies that have since then appeared and disappeared...
Most of my career I have spent evolving the TopEase system in our team at Deron/Pulinco/SecondFloor/Business-DNA. This is a software that allows large companies to manage their processes and information systems in a consistent and controllable way.