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Marko Balažic

Marko Balažic has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Having a mixed background in user interface design and software engineering has allowed me to explore their overlaps in human-computer interaction and create a innovative, but jet familiar user experience.

My software engineer background: During the Computer Science University, I worked in Lab for Data Technologies. I worked on diverse projects with different technologies from Django, Java EE, PHP, Reals, Python, SQL and MEAN. I have three years of experience as a full-stack programmer, where I manly used MEAN stack.

From code to designing the user experience: Seeing multiple projects fail because of a bad user experience. Spending more and more time behind design books. Designing VR game for Finish festival Flow. Drawing interfaces where every details matters and doing that every time I had a free time made me switch chairs.

Last three years: Three years ago I started working on a project called Nexto Guides - nexto.io as a UI/UX Designer. For Nexto I did wireframing, prototyping (using Sketch and inVision/Principle/Protopie), rebranding, motion design(AE and Airbnb Lottie) and some 3d modeling(Blender) for AR. Along side there was at least ten other projects(Slovenian cultural department, Ljubljana Castle, Generali, Donat, Landezine, Yum meals..), some are still ongoing, some are under NDA and few can be found in my linked in or UpWork profile.

Marko Balažic questions