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Markel Arizaga

Markel Arizaga has asked 4 questions and find answers to 5 problems.


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Not a guru. Not a rockstar. Not a ninja. Just a developer.

The long story

Computer engineer specialized in web software development, mostly anything related to Javascript. Just trying to do things as good as possible and always leaving space for self improvement.

People I have worked with tell me they had a good time and they would like to repeat at some point. I hope they tell the same when I'm not present :) Good team worker who tries to refine processes and ensure knowledge is spread across members by leading by example. I like to teach as much as I like to learn and I think being indispensable somewhere by creating knowledge silos is dumb.

I have been involved in video industry companies since I completed university and this made me fight against Javascript in a multitude of environments: low spec set top boxes, mysteriously documented TVs but also modern and capable desktop and phone browsers.

Free software and open source defender by using as much of it as possible but also contributing (only a bit). Not a big deal, some translations here, a bug fix there and a couple of pull requests that never got merged :(