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Mark Schultheiss

Mark Schultheiss has asked 8 questions and find answers to 83 problems.


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Full stack .Net MVC development C#, JavaScript with jQuery SQL Server TSQL and more.

Developed my first systems a while ago. Coded in so many languages (commercial software I got paid to write) I forget them all, must be 35++ at the moment.

Recent work:

  • Sr. Dev C# ASP.Net MVC, JavaScript/jQuery, SQL Server back end, Application development and maintenance (C#, Linq/lamda, JavaScript/jQuery Hand coded SQL Server T-Sql TFS/VisualStudio.com repo), some GIT work
  • Agile/scrum
  • Mentoring/Pair programming with Sr. developers
  • Development Lead/Management & mentoring
  • Developed a windows service application in C#
  • Responsive design principles
  • Memory leak discovery and Project Management on C++ 6.0 project
  • Transform a classic ASP VB, VBScript web site to an MVC C# web application with Kendo UI
  • Process engineering
  • Mentoring/training TFS users on git use
  • .Net Core MVC
  • Working with SQL databases with billions of rows in a single table
  • Working with over 110,000 source files in a single solution with hundreds of projects and "sub" segment solutions
  • Working with hundreds of databases with billions of rows in single tables on multiple servers