Analítico e lógico. Organizado e orientado ao detalhe e aos resultados. Proposição e comunicação de forma simples com soluções agregadoras.
29+ years experience in software and IT hardware industry. 25+ years experience Solution architecture, Setting up IT systems, Modeling DBMS data (according to Chris Gane), programming, modeling report, DBs SQL. 5+ years experience with Clouds, EC2, Serverless, Web servers, Applications servers, programming CPython, modeling NoSQL data, DBs NoSQL, Queues, Django, Flask e FastAPI frameworks.
My main stack is Python and its technologies
Python projects: a) Web, Database, Legacy database b) Sending e-mails c) Async tasks and queues d) Compiling Python at the speed of C (or Fortran) with Cython and Numba e) IoT with Raspberry Pi, Modules and Sensor, Arduino, NodeMCU ESP8266 e ESP32 f) MicroPython for embedded systems (sistemas embarcados)