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Manuel Carrero

Manuel Carrero has asked 4 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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Python Developer (Full Stack) / DBA Lover of Python, databases and data science in general: big data, data mining, nlp, machine learning, IA.

Hi, I'm from Venezuela!

I'm a Developer with 4 years of experience. My vision when I start a project, is to understand the general flow and the goals, from the analysis, processing and visualization of the data, to get value and search for the success of the project. Also, i like to pushing the collaborative job.

Currently i'm interesting in projects related with data science.

I've been part of projects like:

  • An e-commerce (using CakePhp, Javascript, Jquery UI, Mysql)
  • A project related to the procedures of the aeronautical sector, (as an architect and dba in PostgreSQL and a developer of services and processes ETL in PL/PgSQL, in person and remotely)
  • A project for the versioning of PostgreSQL databases with Git, using Python
  • A project for the visualization of SportBooks lines (using different languages ​​and technologies among them: Node, Bash, PostgreSQL, PL/PgSQL, Redis, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Kibana, integrations of Slack, Sentry, Taiga)
  • A project for the generation and control of rules with ATMs (using Python, Jquery UI, Django and PostgreSQL)
  • Currently I'm in a team developing the backend for a social network app related with geolocation (using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, PL/PgSQL, PostGIS, Swagger UI, Amazon S3 and more)

I obtained my Bachelor's Degree in Computing, through my thesis called: "Development of a web application based on text mining techniques for the analysis of topics on social network content through the use of Apache Spark", using Python/Django and PostgreSQL, during which time I obtained valuable knowledge in Big Data, Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis and NLP.

Additionally I have general knowledge in:

  • Modeling of Databases and ETL development.
  • API's
  • Design patterns: MVC, Publisher-subscriber
  • Bots integrations in Slack
  • Intermediate use of GNU / Linux

You can find my linkedin profile here: www.linkedin.com/in/manuel-alejandro-carrero-aponte