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Manish Nayak

Manish Nayak has asked 0 questions and find answers to 8 problems.


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I am a Product Owner at KONZE and my job is to convert business ideas to work with the help of software solutions. I strongly believe that the understanding of business logic is very important to developing any product. My approach is always positive in dealing with every challenge and making the product perfect.

Experience and Expertise:

My experience and expertise have converted me into a systematic Product Owner with a detail-oriented and thorough approach to defining requirements, outlining specifications and working with team members to bring high-quality products to life. My experience has made me a good planner and problem-solver with an in-depth understanding of software products.

I work as a professional software developer since 2014. Being a programmer, programming is an indivisible part of my life. I have worked on ASP.Net C#, Node JS, SQL Server, MongoDB, JavaScript, J Query, CSS, HTML, Crystal Report, WordPress and many other technologies. My expertise also lies in dealing with cross-functional teams that cover the 360-degree development of a product. I am good at R & D and also have good experience with AWS Cloud Management.

A look into my education qualifications:

I completed my Diploma in Computer Engineering in 2011 with distinction and graduated with BE in Computer Science & Engineering in 2014 with First Class. I had previously taken the certification course of CSPO.


I got the best programmer award in the initial stage of my carrier. Then I was promoted to a team leader and got the chance to lead a team having 15-20 members. I got the chance to deal with the AI/ML, Mobile App Development, Digital Marketing, Sales, and Accounting teams. I completed the series of leadership development programs organised by KONZE. The Leadership program helped me to learn and improve many essentials of leadership.

Along with my work, I am a responsible Son, Brother, Husband, and Father. In my free time, I like to explore new places physically or virtually. I am also an astronomer by hobby, and I like to explore space on YouTube. I am an active sportsman and I like to play Volleyball and Cricket. I am always ready to explore new things and open to discussion on tech topics. I would love to connect with you on LinkedIn.

You can explore the products that are near to my heart. https://ptetutorials.com https://ieltstutorials.online https://ccltutorials.online https://getmypolicy.online